Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy

Date most recently updated: 1st May 2023

This Privacy Policy will explain you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you, as well as outline Our policies and practises regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service.

Your personal information is used by us in order to offer and enhance the service. You are indicating that you consent to the collection and use of information in line with this Privacy Policy just by using the Service. With the assistance of the Privacy Policy Generator, we have crafted this Privacy Policy for your review.

Analysis and Definitions Analysis and Definitions Analysis and Definitions

The meanings of the terms whose first letters are capitalised will be discussed in accordance with the following requirements. No matter whether they are written in the singular or the plural form, the definitions that follow are to be understood in the same way.


In accordance with the goals of this Privacy Policy:

The term "Account" refers to the one-of-a-kind account that is established just for You so that you may use our Service or portions of our Service.

An entity is considered to be a party's affiliate if it either controls the party, is controlled by the party, or both parties share common control of the entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" is defined as ownership of at least fifty percent of the shares, equity interest, or other securities eligible to vote for election of directors or other management authority.

Application refers to the downloadable software programme called Wifi Password Scanner that is made available to you by the Company and may be installed on any electronic device.

 Wifi Password Scanner is the company that is being referred to in this agreement as "the Company," "We," "Us," or "Our."

The term "Device" refers to any electronic gadget, such as a computer, a mobile phone, or an electronic tablet, that is capable of connecting to the Service.

Any information that relates to an individual who can be identified or located is considered to be personal data.

The Application is referred to as the Service.

Any individual or organisation, whether natural or legal, that processes data on the Company's behalf is referred to as a service provider. It refers to firms or persons outside of the Company that are hired by the Company to execute tasks such as facilitating the Service, providing the Service on behalf of the Company, performing services relating to the Service, or assisting the Company in analysing how the Service is used.

The term "Usage Data" refers to information that is automatically gathered, either as a result of using the Service or directly from the infrastructure of the Service itself (for instance, the length of time spent on a certain page).

When we talk about "you," we're referring to the person who is accessing or using the Service, as well as the corporation or other legal entity on whose behalf that person is accessing or using the Service, depending on the context.

Obtaining and Utilising Your Personally Identifiable Information

Data Types That Are Collected Personal Information

While you are using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact You or identify You. If You Do Not Provide This Information, We Will Not Be Able To Contact You Or Identify You. Examples of personally identifiable information that may be collected include, but are not limited to the following:

Usage Data Usage Data

When a user interacts with the Service, Usage Data is automatically collected.

Usage Data may comprise information such as the Internet Protocol address of your device (also known as an IP address), the kind of browser you use, the version of the browser you use, the pages of our service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the amount of time you spend on those pages, as well as other diagnostic data and unique device identifiers.

We may collect certain information automatically when you access the Service by or through a mobile device. This information may include, but is not limited to, the type of mobile device that you use, the unique ID of the mobile device that you use, the IP address of the mobile device that you use, the mobile operating system that you use, the type of mobile Internet browser that you use, as well as other diagnostic data. When you access the Service by or through a mobile device, we may collect this information.

We may also collect information that is sent by your browser whenever you visit our Service or whenever you access the Service by or via a mobile device. This may occur anytime you visit our Service or whenever you use the Service.

Details Obtained During the Course of Utilising the Application

Whenever you use Our Application, in order to ensure that You have access to all of Our Application's features, we may, with your prior authorization, collect the following information:

Specifics on where you are positioned in the world

Your device's camera and photo library provide the following: pictures and other information:

This information is used by Our Company to provide features of Our Service, to improve and customise Our Service, and for other similar purposes. It is possible for the information to be uploaded to the servers of the Company and/or the server of a Service Provider, or it is also possible for the information to simply be saved on Your device.

Through the settings on your device, you have the ability to either enable or disable access to this information at any time.

Utilisation of Your Private Information

The Company may utilise Customers' Personally Identifiable Information for Any or All of the Following Purposes:

In order to offer and manage our Service, which includes monitoring how our Service is being used, we need to make sure that.

In order to manage Your Account, this means being able to manage Your registration as a user of the Service. The provision of your Personal Data has the potential to provide you access to a variety of additional Service capabilities that are made accessible to you as a registered user.

For the purpose of carrying out a contract: the creation, observance, and execution of the purchase contract for the goods, commodities, or services that You have bought, as well as the carrying out of any other contract that You have entered into with Us via the Service.

To contact You: To contact You by e-mail, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as a mobile application's push notifications regarding updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products, or contracted services, including the security updates, when it is necessary or reasonable for the implementation of these features.

If you have not opted out of receiving such information, we will send you updates, special offers, and general information about other items, services, and events that we provide that are comparable to those that you have previously bought or inquired about. However, if you do opt out of receiving such information, we will not send it to you.

To manage Your requests:to respond to and take care of any requests that you send to us.

For the purpose of conducting or evaluating business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganisation, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Us about our Service users is among the assets transferred. This could occur either as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding.

For other reasons: We may use the information that you provide for other purposes, such as data analysis, measuring the success of our promotional efforts, detecting use patterns, and evaluating and improving our Service, goods, services, marketing, and your experience. For example, we may use your information for these purposes.

Your personal information may be shared with a third party in the following circumstances:

With Third-Party Service Providers: We may share Your Personal Information with Third-Party Service Providers in order to monitor, analyse, and contact you regarding your use of our Service.

Regarding the transfer of our business to another organisation: We reserve the right to disclose or transfer any personal information you provide to us in connection with, or during negotiations for, any merger, sale of Company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business by another organisation.

With Affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honour this Privacy Policy. If we do share Your information with Our affiliates, we will not sell or rent Your information. Our parent business as well as any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other firms that We control or that are controlled jointly with us are considered to be our affiliates.

With business partners: In order to provide you with specific goods, services, or promotions, we may share the information that you provide with our business partners.

When you share personal information with other users or communicate in any other way in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewable by all users and may be publicly disseminated outside of the public areas.

We may release any of your personally identifiable information for any other purpose of our choosing if you give us permission to do so.

Keeping Your Private Information on File

Your Personal Information will be stored by the Company for the minimum amount of time required to fulfil the objectives described in this Privacy Statement. To the extent that it is necessary for us to comply with our legal duties (for instance, if we are obliged to store your data in order to comply with relevant laws), settle disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies, we will preserve and utilise your personally identifiable information.

Additionally, the Company will keep Usage Data for the purposes of conducting internal analyses. Usage Data is normally only kept for a shorter amount of time, with the exception of instances in which such data is used to either bolster the security of Our Service or to enhance the operation of Our Service, or in instances in which We are legally compelled to preserve such data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Your Personally Identifiable Information

Your data, including any Personal Data, may be processed in the Company's operational offices as well as in any other locations that the persons engaged in the processing call home. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction. These computers may be located in a country or other governmental jurisdiction outside of Your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction.

Your acceptance to this Privacy Policy, followed by your input of such information, constitutes your consent to the aforementioned transfer of information.

There will be no transfer of Your Personal Data to an organisation or country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information. The Company will take all steps that are reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Your Personally Identifiable Information Business Dealings

Your Personal Information might be transferred in the event that the Company is engaged in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets. Before any of Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy, we will provide you with prior notification.

Law enforcement

If the law requires the Company to reveal Your Personal Data or if the Company is forced to do so in response to lawful demands by public authorities (such a court or a government agency), then the Company may be required to disclose Your Personal Data.

Other legal requirements

Your Personally Identifiable Information may be disclosed by the Company if it has a good faith belief that such action is required to:

To act in accordance with a statutory requirement

To uphold and protect the Company's legal rights and property interests.

Investigate allegations of misconduct in connection with the Service and work to prevent it.

Ensure the well-being of Service users and members of the general public, including their personal safety.

Protect yourself from potential legal responsibility.

Protection of Your Private Information

We place a high priority on the safety of Your Personally Identifiable Information, but please keep in mind that no method of data transfer over the Internet or technique of electronic storage is completely foolproof. While we make every effort to protect Your Personal Data using methods that are considered to be acceptable in the commercial sector, we are unable to guarantee the data's complete and total safety.

The Confidentiality of Children

Our Service is not intended for use by anybody younger than 13 years old. We will not intentionally collect personally identifiable information from anybody under the age of 13, including children. Please get in touch with us if you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your kid has supplied us with personal information without your permission. If it comes to our attention that we have obtained Personal Information from anybody under the age of 13 without first obtaining the verified agreement of their parents, we will immediately take the necessary actions to delete this data from our systems.

If We Need to Rely on Consent as a Legal Basis for Processing Your Information and Your Country Requires Consent from a Parent, We May Require Your Parent's Consent Before We Collect and Use That Information If We Need to Rely on Consent as a Legal Basis for Processing Your Information.

Hyperlinks to A Number of Other Websites

The content that we provide may at times include links to other websites that are not run by Us. If you click on a link that belongs to a third party, you will be taken to the website of that third party. Reviewing the Privacy Policies of each and every website that you visit is something that we highly recommend you do.

We do not accept any responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practises of any sites or services provided by third parties since we have no control over them.

Adaptations to this Confidentiality Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to Our Privacy Policy at any time. If there is going to be a change, we will let you know by updating this page with the new Privacy Policy.

Before the modification takes effect, we will notify you of it through email and/or a notice that is prominently displayed on Our Service. We will also update the "Last updated" date that is located at the top of this Privacy Policy.

It is strongly recommended that you check back on a regular basis for any updates to our Privacy Policy. When an updated version of this Privacy Policy is published on this website, the revised policy will go into effect.

Reach Out to Us

You may reach us at the following locations if you have any queries about our Privacy Policy:

You may learn more about our company by emailing us at
